Types Of Crossing:
Crossings can be classified as follows:
- On the basis of shape of crossing
- square crossing
- Acute angle or V-crossing or Frog
- Obtuse angle or Diamond crossing
- On the basis of assembly of crossing
- Ramped crossing
- Spring or movable crossing
Square Crossing:
Square Crossing is formed when two straight tracks of same or different gauge, cross each other at right angles. This type of crossing should be avoided on main lines because of heavy wear of rails.
Acute Angle Crossing:
Acute angle crossing is formed when left-hand rail of one track crosses right-hand rail of another track at an acute angle or vice versa. This type of crossing consists of a pair of wing rails, a pair of check rail and a splice rail. This crossing is widely used. This is also called V-crossing or frog.
Obtuse Angle Crossing:
The obtuse crossing is formed when left-hand rail of one track crosses right-hand rail of another track at an obtuse angle or vice versa. This type of crossing consists mainly of two acute and two obtuse angle crossings. This is also called Diamond crossing.