Role Of Instant Action Team:
- Don’t panic.
- Pull the Alarm Chain and stop the train immediately.
- Evacuate the passengers to the adjacent coaches which are away from the fire through the vestibules; if the fire is not extinguished. After complete evacuation the rolling shutters of coaches on fire to be closed to contain the spread of fire.
- More people expire due to suffocation from smoke rather than due to actual burning. Advice passengers to take a cloth, wet it in their drinking water and cover their nostrils. This reduces the smoke inhalation & subsequently its bad effects.
- Insist that passengers should save themselves first and not to bother about their luggage which can be retrieved later on.
- Isolate the affected coaches from other coaches by decoupling both Mechanical & Electric couplers.
- Locate the fire extinguishing substances viz, fire extinguishers, water bucket with water/sand, etc. Use water from the coaches.
- Try and put out the very source of the fire before it becomes a big blaze.
- Turn off Electrical Appliances. In case of fire from electricity switch off the source.
- Report it to the nearest station/control/fire station. (fire services: 101, it can be dialed by mobile also)
When a person is on fire:
- Approach him holding the nearest available wrap in front of you.
- Wrap it around him.
- Lay him flat and smother the flames.
- He may roll on the floor, smothering the flames.
- On no account should he rush into the open air.
- Call for assistance.
Handling of injured passengers:
Building up the confidence of injured passengers by suitable advice is of great importance.
- First aid should be rendered to the injured passengers.
- Ordinarily, give nothing ORALLY to injured one, but if medical treatment is delayed more than 4 hours, give ORS drinks preferably bio-carbonated soda.
- In the serious case, remove the patient quickly to a hospital as the injured may require an anesthetic, medical soothing.