If a murder is committed in a railway carriage on a train, the following action shall be taken by the staff:
- The Guard shall have the compartment emptied and lock up all shutters from
outside immediately the commission of such an offense is known so that blood stains, marks of struggle, footprints, finger impressions, etc. may remain undisturbed. - If the crime took place in a Second Class compartment the carriage shall be detached at the station where the crime was detected and kept under watch till the Police take over the case.
- If the crime took place in an Upper-Class compartment the compartment shall be immediately locked up and the carriage allowed to proceed to the nearest station where it can be replaced.
- If no Government Railway Police are located at the station, a member of the railway staff will guard it until a Police Officer takes over.
- No one, either railway employees or outsiders shall be allowed to enter the compartment until the Police arrive, except to attend to injured persons.
- The Railway Police station concerned shall be advised at what station the carriage has been or will be detached.
- After the carriage is taken over by the Police, it shall not be removed or otherwise utilized without the written authority of the Police Officer conducting the investigation.
- If any abnormal delay takes place on the part of the Police in releasing the carriage the matter shall be reported to the Divisional Railway Manager concerned
In case of persons found dead on trains or at stations, the Station Master shall hand over the dead body to Police for disposal and, until such time this is done, depute a railway servant to be in charge of the dead body.
In case of death of contagious disease, the Director of Public Health of the State and Civil Surgeon of the District and the concerned Divisional Medical Officer of Railway should be advised.
In all cases of passengers dying at stations, corpses being taken out of trains, or Railway servants and others were killed on railway premises, Station Master shall make over the body and all the belongings of the deceased to the Government Railway Police who are responsible for the prompt disposal of such bodies.