Level Crossing Gates:
Level Crossing means the intersection of the road with railway track at the same level.Level Crossing means the intersection of a road with railway track at the same level. Any form of movable barrier capable of being closed across the road traffic at the level crossing is known as level crossing gate.
Level Crossing gates are three types :
- Single leaf
- Double leaf
- Lifting barrier.
- Single and double leaf gates open away from the track.
- They are locked in succession by E type locks.
- The lifting barriers when operated for road traffic, it is vertically lifted up and in the closed condition, it is horizontal across the road traffic.
- Boom gates are provided in single or double units on each side and are mechanically or power operated.
Classification :
Level crossing gates shall be classified as a special class,
- A class
- B Class
- C class
- D class.
The classification shall be settled mutually by engineering department in consultation with the local government authorities after conducting the railroad traffic census.
Special Class:
- A Class
- B Class
- For Road Vehicles C Class
- D Class For Cattle Crossings.
Location :
As far as possible level crossing shall not be located near stations and marshalling yards. If inevitable they shall be located beyond shunting limits in the station yard.
Control and Protection :
The working of the level crossing gates within the stop signals is under the control of the SM and the working of those outside the stop signals is under the control of permanent way department.