Hints on Combined Train Report:


There are many operating statistic/terminology is used in day to day working. The basic knowledge is essential to the Guard and Loco pilot to the working efficiency.The following terminologies are used.

Line capacity:
  • It is defined as the maximum number of trains that can be moved through a section in 24 hours. The working capacity of a section can be calculated by means of the following formula
  • Line capacity = { 24 x 60 }/{ t + 5” } * Efficiency of operation.
  • Where t = Running time of slowest train in the block section in which it is maximum.
  • The efficiency of operation is generally taken as 70% to 80%.
  • 5” time allowance has been given to take into account the time taken for granting line clear etc. during crossing or precedence of the train.
The line capacity of the track depends on the following main points:
  • The condition of the track.
  • Gradient and curves on the track.
  • Level crossing in the section.
  • Length of block section.
  • Length of running loops.
  • The speed of the train.
  • The system of signaling and interlocking.
Wagon turn round:

Wagon turn round means the time interval between the time wagon picks up a load and the time it is next available for loading. It depends on the following factors

  • Time spent in placement for loading.
  • Time is taken to move to a destination or loaded transit time to destination.
  • Time spent in placement for unloading at destination.
  • Empty transit time to next loading point.

Therefore, wagon turn round (Wt) can be written as under:

Wt = T1+T1tt+Tu+Tett

Where T1 = Loading time

T1tt = Loaded transit time

Tu = Unloading time

Tett = Empty transit time

Wt = Wagon Turn round time

This figure is an index of wagon utilization and operating efficiency. The lower the wagon turn round time the better will be the operating efficiency.The calculation of wagon turn round is done by the following formula:

Effective average daily wagon holding / Wagon turn round (in days) Average No. of + Average No. of load

Wagons loaded daily wagons received daily from other Divns/Rlys.


Whenever the train observes the speed restriction for a particular distance in section, it loses time as compared with the intersectional running time provided in the working timetable. In this calculation of time loss while negotiating the caution has been explained.

Time loss due to the observance of the speed restriction is calculated for Mail/express/passenger trains only. The time loss has been calculated for various condition and given as under :


If the speed restriction is imposed for 30 KMPH for the distance equal to 5 spans of OHE mast. The time loss can be calculated from the above table as under:

  • Time loss for 30 KMPH speed restriction over first one OHE span length = 3 minutes.
  • Time loss for remaining 4 spans of OHE at = 15 SEC.X4 span length at the rate of 15 sec. per OHE span length = 60 SEC = 1 MIN.
  • Therefore, total time loss will be 3 + 1 = 4 minutes.

(Note: Over on Traction Post (TP) means length of one OHE span)

Details of Goods Train working:

Each working timetable indicates the permissible load of the goods for each section of the division for various types of engines separately. The load table also prescribes the requirement of banking engines. In brief, the following information is available about freight operation on the division.

  • Permissible load in tons for each section for various types of engines.
  • The requirement of banking engine.
  • Restriction of stopping, the train on particular station/signals for fully Loaded goods train.
  • Reduction of train load for goods trains during monsoon.
  • List of permanent speed restriction due to continuous falling gradient for Goods train.
  • List of permanent speed restriction due to various operating condition for Goods as well as
  • main/express/passenger trains.
  • Intersectional running time for goods trains.
Details of Rolling Stock:

For each type of engines and rolling stock also the details are provided as under:

  • The maximum permissible speed at each type of engine.
  • The maximum permissible speed of roller bearing and ball bearing wagon /coaches etc.
Details of passenger train working :
  • The working timetable provides following details
  • The intersectional running timing of each train.
  • Booked and maximum permissible speed for each passenger carrying trains.
  • Normal and minimum running time of passenger trains indicating the engineering, loco and traffic gain available in the time given.
  • CTR forms are issued and filled in the following manner.
  • 4 nos. of CTR forms are collected by the guard of the train at the time of signing on.
  • These forms (Part I) are filled in by the guard of the train in quadruplicate.
  • At the end of the journey, guard and driver meet with each other at the time of signing off and the guard of the train hand over the three copies of CTR forms to the driver after verifying the various timing recorded in the CTR forms.
  • The driver, in turn, fills up(Part II) his position of the entries in the guard journal in all the four copies.
  • Driver submits the three copies of the CTR form to his headquarter depot.
These three copies of CTR forms are disposed of as under:
  • One copy is sent to statistical branch.
  • One copy is retained by the depot in charge for his record.
  • One copy is sent to loco running bill section.

The CTR forms are very important for maintaining the data related to train operation. Therefore the train crew should be trained to fill it up properly and submit the same to their headquarter depot. This CTR form is also the basic record for payment of mileage allowance to train crew.