EMU Pneumatic Failures:
- EP brake fails / Pneumatic Brake binding
EP brake fails / Pneumatic Brake binding:
- EP brake fails / not working
Checking sign:
- EP supply lamp not glowing.
- EP supply MCB tripped
- BIV was not turned ON
- EP supply BL switch OFF
- BL not unlocked properly
- Stop train by applying the emergency brake.
- Ensure 5A EP supply MCB is ON.
- Ensure EP supply switch is in ‘ON’ position.
- Ensure BIV is fully turned ON and BP pressure is 5 kg/cm².
- Ensure BL is properly unlocked by operating few times
- If still EP supply is not available to work, with auto brake.
- Inform TLC and make the entry in the logbook.
- Pneumatic Brake binding
Checking sign:
- Poor hauling, Poor acceleration, Quick deceleration.
- BC gauge not coming to 0
- Smoke and smell at binding wheels.
- Stop the train at a convenient place (clear of platforms and bridges). Keep the brake controller handle in the release position.
- Secure the train by keeping Skid / Wedges.
- Call the Guard to lead MC.
- Find out the defective coach by observing smoke, smell overheats from the brake blocks.
Close BIC 1& 2 cut out cocks. - Ensure all wheels brake blocks are shaking freely.
- Inform TLC and make an entry in the logbook.
- In some new coaches, all COC are provided without a handle. In this case use Reverser key or provided the suitable key for closing and opening of these COC.
- Full formation brake binding in EMU / MEMU
Full formation brake binding in EMU / MEMU :
Checking sign :
- Brake binding in all coaches on the train.
Reasons :
- Less BP pressure.
- Continues supply to EP Holding line.
- Check BP pressure in gauge. If BP pressure is normal to operate BCH to emergency position and release.
- Switch off EP supply switch and EP supply MCB.
- If brakes are released work with auto brake.
- If brakes are not released, Close EPIC coach in all coaches and release brake binding by pulling BRH and work the train with Auto brake up to the destination.
- Still brake binding not released, Inform TLC and ask for assistance
- Make the entry in the log book.
Ensure Auto brake working before starting the train.
BP pressure fluctuating.
If fluctuation of BP pressure is due to defective Brake controller unit and brakes are in released condition work the train with EP brakes up to the destination. If brakes are not releasing troubleshoot.
- Observe BP pressure gauge. If it shows more than the initial value, operate BCH to emergency and back to release position and try.
- If it returned to initial value and brakes are released in all coaches work the train further.
- If BP not stable and causing brake binding, the clear section from the rear motor coach after releasing brake binding in all coaches manually.
- After releasing, ensure EPIC, AIC, BIC 1, and BIC 2 are in service.
Contact TLC for advice.
Parking brake binding:
- Checking sign :
- Poor hauling, Poor acceleration, Quick deceleration.
- Parking brake gauge reads 0.
- Smoke and smell at wheels 1, 4, 5 and 8.
Troubleshooting :
- Press parking brake release switch, ensure PB gauge reads 5 kg/cm² and parking brakes are released.
- If not releasing press on the electro-pneumatic valve release plunger. (Inside driving desk Guard corner)
- If not successful pull the parking brake release handles provided on wheels 1, 4, 5 and 8.
- Bypass PB governor after releasing PB.
Parking brake release should be ensured in all MC.
- Mechanical brake binding
In Motor Coach
- Release the palm pull rod at one end according to the direction of working. To release palm pull rod, first, remove the split pin. Remove the bolt connecting both sides of palm pull rod. Released end of the palm pull rod will hang in the chain attached to palm pull rod.
- Ensure wheels are free from brake binding. Close BIC of the concerned truck.
- To release manually, remove the split and blot connecting both sides of palm pull rod at the trailing end
In Trailer Coach:
- Remove the brake pull rod.
- Ensure wheels are free from brake binding.
- Inform TLC and make an entry in the log book.
- MR pressure leakage in pipes/equipment
MR pressure leakage in pipes/equipment :
MR pipeline broke before CIC
- MR leakage in equipments between MCP and CIC in leading motor coach.
- (Inter/ after cooler, air dryer, main reservoir, CDC, and all pipe line between MCP and CIC)
Example: Location no.1
- Troubleshooting:
- Close CIC
- Switch OFF the 2.5A Comp. synch MCB and 2.5AMCP control MCB in fuse panel (4th row) in defective motor coach.
- Work onwards, by watching MR pressure gauge.
- Inform TLC and make the entry in the logbook.
In leading MC after CIC:
Example: Location no 2:
- Troubleshooting :
- Close the MR rear end cock of the leading motor coach. Make the unit dead. Keep MCS I – 1 & 2 OUT MCS II- 3 & 4 OUT position
- Switch OFF the 2.5A control and Comp. synch MCB infuses / MCB panel (4th row) in the leading motor coach.
- Call the Guard to the leading Motorcoach.
- Go to the rear Motorcoach and work the unit from the rear motor coach, clear section as per the procedure.
- Contact TLC for advice.
- Make entry in the logbook.
MR pipe line or MR CDC is broken in the trailer coach:
Example: Location no.3
Troubleshooting :
- Close both MR end cocks in the defective coach.
- Work onwards up to the destination.
- Inform TLC and make the entry in the logbook.
MR hose piped damaged or coupler leakage:
Example: Location no. 4
Troubleshooting :
- Both the MR end cocks on either side of the coupler should be closed.
- Work onwards up to the destination.
- Inform TLC. Make entry in log book
In rear motor coach MR pipeline/CDC broken before CIC:
Example: Location no.5
Troubleshooting :
- Close CIC.
- Switch OFF the 2.5A MCP synch MCB and 2.5AMCP control MCB in fuse panel (4th row) in the rear motor coach.
- Work onwards, by watching MR pressure gauge. Duly inform the same to TLC and make an entry in the logbook.
In rear motor coach MR pipeline or CDC broken after CIC:
Example: Location no.6
Troubleshooting :
- Close the MR rear end cock of the rear motor coach.
- Make the unit dead.
- Work onwards up to the destination.
- Inform TLC and make an entry in the logbook.
- MR in the rear portion of the train is maintained by the rear MCP.
- While working, if MCP fails in rear MC Motorman may experience partial loss with MSTWL glowing and poor EP brake power.
- Motorman has to work the train with leading MC power and control the train with auto brakes.
- Brake pipe line broken
Brake pipeline broken:
Example: Location no.1
BP pipeline / BP CDC broken in leading motor coach.
- Troubleshooting
- Close the BP rear end cock leading motor coach.
- Close BIC 1& 2 and ensure brakes are released.
- Call the Guard to lead MC. Change cab to rear MC
- Charge BP from the rear motor coach by using BIV key.
- Work the train from rear motor coach with assistance of Guard and clear the section with speed not exceeding 15 km/h as per GR and SR
- Inform the TLC and ask for advice.
BP pipeline/BP CDC broken in TC or middle MC :
Example: Location no.2
- Both BP end cocks to be closed in the defective coach.
- Close both BIC and ensure brakes are released.
- Charge BP from the rear motor coach with spare BIV key.
- Work cautiously to clear block section since BP continuity is not available. Contact TLC for advice.
- EP brake will work normally.
- In case of emergency, Motorman to give three bells for Guard emergency brake.
BP hose pipe punctured/coupler leakage:
Example: Location no.3
- Both BP end cocks at the faulty location to be closed.
- Charge BP from the rear motor coach with spare BIV key.
- Since BP continuity is not available, clear the block section cautiously and contact TLC for advice.
- In case of emergency to stop train give three bells for Guard assistance in braking.
BP pipeline/BP CDC in rear motor coach:
Example: Location 4:
- Close the rear BP end cock of the rear motor coach.
- Close both BIC to release brakes.
- Clear section and inform TLC.
- When Guard gives single bell, Motorman should stop the train immediately.
- Pneumatic failures in air suspension coaches
Pneumatic failures in air suspension coaches:
- Air spring burst in MC/TC
Checking sign:
- MR pressure will drop.
- Air leakage sound near defective spring.
- Oscillation of coach reported by the passenger.
- Identify the defective air spring.
- Close the isolating COC of that particular truck.
- Work onwards up to destination with restricted speed 60 km/h.
- Inform TLC at the next station.
- Make the entry in the log book.
- Pneumatic suspension air supply pipeline broke into MC/TC
Checking sign:
- MR pressure will drop.
- Air leakage sound at the broken pipeline.
- Oscillation of coach reported by the passenger.
Troubleshooting :
- Identify the location of the air leakage.
- Close the main isolating COC of that particular coach.
- Work onwards up to destination with restricted speed 60 km/h.
- Inform TLC at the next station.
- Make the entry in the log book.