Broken Toe:

Symptoms of a broken toe include

  • pain,
  • welling
  • bruising
  • difficulty walking.

Prevent Swelling and Further Injury:

  • Stay off the foot as much as possible.
  • Avoid movement or pressure that causes pain.
  • Apply ice up to 20 minutes at a time. Wrap it in a towel; do not apply directly to skin.
  • Keep the foot elevated as often as possible, especially the first 2 days after injury, to help control pain and swelling.

Get Help:

If you have severe pain, can’t walk, the toe looks bent or deformed, or the pain lasts for a long time, see a doctor.

Follow Up:

  • Stay off your foot and avoid activity that causes pain for 3-4 weeks.
  • Wear a shoe with a stiff sole to protect the injured toe and keep it stable. Avoid shoes that put pressure on the toe.