Broken Hand
- The person is seriously injured or unconscious.
- The hand is numb or cold.
- The skin under the fingernail is blue.
- Bone is sticking out of the skin.
- Bleeding doesn’t stop after several minutes of firm pressure.
- Blood spurts from the wound.
Stop Bleeding if Necessary:
- Apply firm pressure with a clean cloth until bleeding stops.
- If the bone is pushing through the skin, do not touch it or try to put it back in place.
Control Swelling:
- Apply an ice pack (do not put ice directly on the skin).
- If possible, remove any jewelry immediately.
Immobilize the Hand:
If the person’s hand is numb or cold or the skin under the fingernails is blue, do not move the hand or arm. Otherwise
- Have the person bend the arm at the elbow.
- Do not try to straighten the hand if it bent or deformed.
- Tie a splint on the lower arm with fabric or elastic bandages. Cardboard, rolled-up newspaper, or other stiff material can be used as a splint.
- Make a sling and place the person’s arm in it. Tie the sling around his or her neck.
- See a Health Care Provider Immediately
Follow Up:
- The health care provider will likely take X-rays and check for feeling and range of motion in the hand to determine whether there has been nerve or tendon damage.
- The health care provider may apply a splint or cast.
- Surgery may be needed for more complicated fractures.